Opening Gala: lost in the daydream of Fitzgerald
· Season 23/24, opening gala of Opéra de Paris ·
Since that night, in the glow of the stars, the enchantment resides eternally in the soul.
Since that night, in the glow of the stars, the enchantment resides eternally in the soul.
It seems like I belong to the covert society in the opera house, and have the privilege to enter a secret space.
Today, I came to the Arsenal Library located in rue de Sully in the fourth arrondissement.
Moreover, I can finally be a half classical ballet pupil again.
At that time, I was proud of myself and felt like I was a real professional who treated the “career” sincerely.
“When one does a thing, it appears good, otherwise one would not write it. Only later comes reflection, and one discards or accepts the thing. Time is the best censor, and patience a most excellent teacher.”
-Frédéric Chopin
Playing the jazz from Yohji Ohno, I type down the phrase: Ma Chambre Parisienne on the keyboard in front of the wooden desk in the room.
Why traveling so far to London when you can just search for everything on the internet?
What I was looking forward the most was the backstage tour on the second day.
(Royal Opera House, Chapter One: Velvet, Gilt and Glamour)
Hasty finishing…
I think I must be madly in love with opera, ballet and all those splendid elements.
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